Douglas Moura

Douglas Moura

Software Engineer

Douglas Moura

Douglas Moura

Software Engineer, Musician and Jiujiteiro.


Using TypeScript in Node.js projects

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Using TypeScript in Node.js projects
TypeScript is tremendously helpful while developing Node.js applications. Let's see how to configure it for a seamless development…

Should I commit node_modules directory to git?

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Should I commit node_modules directory to git?
TL; DR: No. Please add node_modules to your .gitignore file:

Rendering JSX on the Server with Fastify

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Rendering JSX on the Server with Fastify
JSX is an excellent abstraction for building web interfaces. Introduced by Facebook and popularized by React, it's an extension of…

Generating MD5 hashes on Node.js

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Generating MD5 hashes on Node.js
You can create hashes in Node.js without the need to install any external library. Usually, I create the following utility function in the…

Finding the greatest common divisor in TypeScript

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Finding the greatest common divisor in TypeScript
First described in the classic geometry book Elements, by the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid (ca. 300 BC, at the book VII, proposition…

Understanding Tail Call Optimization With JavaScript

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Understanding Tail Call Optimization With JavaScript
Consider the following function that calculates the factorial of a number:

Creating native modals with the dialog element

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Creating native modals with the dialog element
Using custom dialog elements instead of native browser implementations, such as alert, confirm, or prompt, has become the standard for web…

Using fetch with TypeScript

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Using fetch with TypeScript
Since fetch) is pratically universally supported on the most used web browsers, we may safely drop the use Axios and other similar…

What is a first-class citizen in computer science?

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What is a first-class citizen in computer science?
In computer science, a first-class citizen is an entity that supports all operations available to other entities. Some of the available…

Use GitHub actions to publish your package on NPM

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Use GitHub actions to publish your package on NPM
Recently, I created a package with the ESLint settings I like to use in my React projects, as I was tired of always having to configure it…